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Producers : Wilmer Zerpa, Sioly AmundaraÃn, Carlos Albarrán, Oriana Contreras, 7' [Venezuela]
Producers : Tom Fordham and Robert Smith, 13' [UK]
Happy Reversal
Producer : Lin Lingjun, 5' [China]
Producer : Cavi Boges, 15' [Brazil]
Producer : Eric Roberts, 15' [USA]
Savage Ivy
Producer : Nicki Priem, Shamiel Soni,
Georgie Calverley, 9' [South Africa]
Producer : Jose Vega, 12' [Spain]
Producer : D.J. Rivera, 15' [USA]
The Convicted
Producer : Anjanette Miller, 10' [USA]
The Forest Paper (winner)
Producer : Sipparpad Krongraksa, 4' [Thailand]
Cam Girls
Producers : Kate Bond, Joelle Garfinkel, David Slack,
Season 1, [USA]
Low Life
Producers : Luke Eve and Rebecca Hu,
Season 1, [Australia]
Not So Union
Producers : Michael Steger and Brandee Steger,
Season 1, [USA]
Phoenix Run (winner)
Producer : TJ Walker, Season 1, [USA]
Producer : Martin Lavini, Season 1, [Argentina]
So Soha
Producers : Lauren Terilli, TJ Clark, Katelyn Pearce, Jordan Yanco, Christopher James Raynor, Season 1, [USA]
Suspension of Disbelief
Producers : Jason Carlile and Zach Gaskins, Season 1, [USA]
The Cube
Producers : Vladimir Nefedov, Sergei Yakubovski,
Season 1, [Belarus]
The Film Lab
Producer : Nicholas Hansen and Stuart Subotic,
Season 1, [Australia]
The First Musketeer
Producer : Harriet Sams, Season 1, [UK]

Kianoush Abedi - Nima Majlesi
Directors of Short Film : LooLoo
Luke Eve (winner)
Director of Web Series : Low Life
Reza Hadiani
Directors of Short Film : O-AB+
TJ Walker & Rick Walters
Director of Web Series : Phoenix Run
Andrés Cedrón
Director of Web Series : Romans
Jose Vega
Directors of Short Film : Senses
Sipparpad Krongraksa
Directors of Short Film : The Forest Paper
Tyler Cole
Aftermath [Short Film]
Henry Nixon
Low Life [Web Series]
Conner Marx (winner)
Phoenix Run [Web Series]
Pablo Cedrón
Romans [Web Series]
Patrick Lyster
Savage Ivy [Short Film]
Ben Steel
Shakespeare Republic [Web Series]
Edward Mitchell
The first musketeer [Web Series]

Kate Bond
Cam Girls [Web Series]
Chelsea Spirito
Harvard Court [Web Series]
Suzanne Schmidt
Hey you, it's me [Web Series]
Melissa Leo (winner)
Mother's Day [Short Film]
Julianne Christie
Phoenix run [Web Series]
Lisa Bol
Texting: a love story [Short Film]
Alla Orlievsky
Selfie Inflicted [Short Film]
Chi Thomas-Hockey (winner)
Doug [Short Film]
Todd Kipp
Hug-O-Gram [Web Series]
Shane Savage
Sh!t [Short Film]
Victor Costa
My wife is a pastor [Web Series]
Alex Pita
40 weeks..and a half [Web Series]

Janine Evans
Era of man [Short Film]
Vanessa Leinani
Drifter: Lonesome highway [Web Series]
Maija Ozolina
Permission [Short Film]
Katelyn Pearce
So Soha [Web Series]
Stephanie Sherry (winner)
Sensitive [Web Series]
Wilmer Zerpa (winner)
Catatumbarì [Short Film]
Garret O'Brien
Low Life [Web Series]
Ryan Purcell
Phoenix Run [Web Series]
Antonio Belón
Senses [Short Film]
Marko Sihvonen
Only John Welles wears leather [Short Film]
Neil Oseman
The First Musketeer [Web Series]
Sipparpad Krongraksa
The Forest Paper [Short Film]

Meredith Giangrande (winner)
Cam Girls [Web Series]
Silvana Castaneda Anaya
Goes and Runs [Short Film]
Jenni Boran
Phoenix Run [Web Series]
Frank Bryan
Savage Ivy [Short Film]
Tiffany Karp
Suspension of Disbelief [Web Series]
Guido's Italians Mens Fashion
The Convicted [Short Film]
Jessica Ozlo
The First Musketeer [Web Series]
Arlington Passages: Edgar
Producers : Chris Bruntlett and Melissa Bruntlett,
4 minutes, Canada
Scottchurch presents
Producer : Michael Donati, Web Series, USA
Talent Freaks
Producers : Andy Coon and Shawnda Poynter,
Web Series, USA
What day is today? (winner)
Producers : Joana Torgal & Rodolfo Pimenta,
12 minutes, Portugal

Todd LeBlanc (winner)
Arlington passages [Web Series]
Maurice Huvelin
Bigshot [Web Series]
Nick Smoke
Cam Girls [Web Series]
David Phillip
Phoenix Run [Web Series]
Chris Rollins
Relentless [Short Film]
Chris Kaiser
The Convicted [Short Film]
Sipparpad Krongraksa
The Forest Paper [Short Film]
Producer : Edward Porembny, 12 minutes [Poland]
A mother
Producer : Aroop Dwivedi, 14 minutes [India]
Behind a veil
Producer : Niccolò Scavo, 13 minutes [Italia]
Producers : Wilmer Zerpa, Sioly AmundaraÃn, Carlos Albarrán, Oriana Contreras, 7' [Venezuela]
Producer : Kenneth Kerckhofs, 7 minutes [Belgium]
Goes and Runs
Producers : Adriana Lopez Ruelas, Sarah Hoch, Ariadna Del Castillo, 9 minutes [Mexico]
Producers : Javier Marco, 10 minutes [Spain]
I wish my life
Producers : Ivan Huveneers and Joachim Huveneers,
15 minutes [Belgium]
Producer : Cavi Boges, 15 minutes [Brazil]
Producers : Ali Sohail Jaura and Sohail Sarwar Jaura,
12 minutes [Pakistan]
Senses (winner)
Producer : Jose Vega, 12 minutes [Spain]
Someone instead of everyone
Producer : Hamed Vaghari, 15 minutes [Iran]

Brett Ryan (winner)
Sundown [Short Film]
Leah Dempsey
Cam Girls [Web Series]
Tam and Fayth Songdog
Suspension of Disbelief [Web Series]
Carolina Fernandez
Senses [Short Film]
Charlotte George, Bethany Lewis, Celia Wright
The First Musketeer [Web Series]
Dani Gerkens and Kelli Tillett
Redmonton [Web Series]
Kate Dixson
Phoenix Run [Web Series]
Aaron Latina (winner)
Vending [Short Film]
Kevin Penkin
Resilience [Short Film]
Florian Kaeppler
Komet [Short Film]
Jonathan Round
Savage Ivy [Short Film]
Alexander Wolf David
Pepp [Short Film]
Kevin MacLeod
The Convicted [Short Film]
Randy Everett
Relentless [Short Film]

Adam Schwartz
Cam Girls [Web Series]
Zhang Can
Happy Reversal [Short Film]
Jenni Boran
Phoenix Run [Web Series]
Sandra Munoz and Maria Ruiz
Senses [Short Film]
Mike McCarthy and John Plata
The Convicted [Short Film]
Amy Nicholson (winner)
The first musketeer [Web Series]
Caitlin Davis
The Van Gogh Show [Web Series]
A mother
Producer : Aroop Dwivedi, 14 minutes [India]
Happy Reversal
Producer : Lin Lingjun, 4 minutes [China]
Producer : Yew Ee Venn , 10 minutes [Singapore]
Producers : Kianoush Abedi - Nima Majlesi, 5 minutes [Iran]
Producer : Reza Hadiani, 4 minutes [Iran]
Producer : Bianca Howell, 6 minutes [UK]
The Forest Paper (winner)
Producer : Sipparpad Krongraksa, 4 minutes [Thailand]

Producer : Christophe Camoirano, Season 1 [France]
Man Servants
Producer : Dan Reheuser, Season 1 [USA]
Tubeheads (winner)
Producers : Axel Ricke and Martin Borowski, Season 1 [Germany]
Simone A. Tognarelli
A New Born [Short Film]
Maarten Leemans
Fear [Short Film]
Zhang Yue
Happy Reversal [Short Film]
Bad animals
Phoenix Run [Web Series]
Matt Brown (winner)
The film Lab [Web Series]
Sipparpad Krongraksa
The Forest Paper [Short Film]
Rafal Dabrowski
VTV [Web Series]

Zhang Can - Du Zholing
Happy Reversal [Short Film]
Davide Benvenuti - Ishu Patel
Komet [Short Film]
Reza Hadiani
O+AB- [Short Film]
Jared Potter - Reggie Maxwell,
Maxwell Swet (winners)
Phoenix Run [Web Series]
Pedro Lara
Senses [Short Film]
Danyl Ribkin
The Cube [Web Series]
Sipparpad Krongraksa
The Forest Paper [Short Film]
Mariana Scavo
Behind a veil [Short Film]
Maurice Huvelin
Bigshot [Web Series]
Joelle Garfinkel
Cam Girls [Web Series]
Lin Lingjun, Du Zhouling,
Zhang Can
Happy Reversal [Short Film]
Todd Kipp
Hugh-O-Gram [Web Series]
Jarno Harju
Only John Welles wears leather [Short Film]
Pablo Cedrón (winner)
Romans [Web Series]

Romans (winner)
40 Weeks...and a half!
Dickhead Kids
Emmas Welt
Homeless Joe
What day is today?

Cam Girls
Kate Bond, Sarah Schreiber, Annie Ruby,
Charlie Hewson, David Starzyk, Rebecca Metz
Carbon Dating
Amanda Serra, Marcie Barkin, Michael Gross, Victoria Serra, Brett Wagner, Rachel Alig, Julia Silverman
Harvard Court
Christian Prentice, Chelsea Spirito, Brian Zarin, Carlos Soriano, Mark Mutafian, John Hirsch, Laura Lenée, Megan Cavanagh
Not So Union
Michael Steger, Bayne Gibby, Brandee Steger, Justin Alston, Joshua Hoover, Carley Adams, Chelsea Taylor,
Lindsay Lavanchy
Cory Stonebrook, Tessa Drake, Stephanie Sherry
So Soha
Phoebe Mar Halkowich, Sara Dobrinich, Katelyn Pearce
The First Musketeer
Edward Mitchell, Charles Barrett,
Tony Sams, Sean Knopp, Nicole O'Neill, Alan J Mirren
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