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Iacopo Patierno

People for Planet, Producer



His works have been shown at many major international festivals. He does commercials for brands such as MTV, Nike and Ikea.

He now works  as video producer for

Atra Asdou

Lookingglass Theatre, Associate

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She is an actor/writer/director/improviser from Chicago. She was nominated for 2017's IOWF's Best Actress award for her work on the web series Other People's Children. Atra has been featured on TV in Chicago Med, Chicago P.D., South Side, and is an artistic associate at Lookingglass Theatre in Chicago.

Tim Pattinson

Plymouth College of Art, Programme Leader of BA

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 Tim before to teach at Plymouth College in UK, taught and worked in the US animation industry. His short “Lion Dance” has screened in over 80 festivals globally, broadcast on US TV, and is currently distributed exclusively throughout Japan.

Fizz Milton

Different For Girls, Producer


In March 2017, Fizz Milton produced the first season (five episodes) of DIFFERENT FOR GIRLS launched on the brand new YouTube channel LESBIAN BOX OFFICE. It has proven to be a hit, rising by 2,000 views every day.

In December 2017, DIFFERENT For GIRLS won IOWF Award as "Best Web Series".

Giuseppe Benincasa, Film Reviewer


He is founder and editor for the online cinema magazine and he writes for "MondoFOX" and also works for Brad&K productions, company with several acclaimed clients as Warner Bros. Pictures, Universal Pictures e Walt Disney Company Italy.

Mathilde Bourbin

Collectif Attention Fragile, Founder

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Mathilde is a french actress, writer and producer. She is well-known for her webseries "Frapuccino", which received 11 international prizes, and thanks to her character Amelie, she was nominated twice as best actress and newcomer actress.

Damian Pelliccione


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Revry is the premiere digital media network for the inclusive 21st century queer community.

It is the first LGBT-focused streaming app for tvOS and Chromecast, and it's also currently available on iOS, Android, Roku, and on the web.

Louis Vasquez

Le Myriapode, Actor

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Born in 1989 in France and lived in Paris. After being graduated by the conservatory of dramatic art, he works in severral plays, shorts films and series like Le Myriapode, Le bouches à pipe, both rewarded in many festival. 

Katelyn Pearce

SO SOHA, Executive Producer

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She is an actress and producer based out of NYC. Examples of her acting work include roles on BILLIONS, THE PATH, and LIMITLESS, CLINTON ROAD, and SO SOHA. Katelyn is an award nominated producer, and currently works as an associate producer at LIVING THE DREAM FILMS, which has 7 feature films on it's roster and more in development. 

Stephanie Sherry

SENSITIVE: A Webseries, Actress

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She was "Best Newcomer Actress" in 2015 for her starring role in the comedic series "Sensitive: A Webseries". Stephanie is a proud NY native, she recently moved to LA to pursue acting and comedy. Instead she's found mediocre bagels. She is a member of the Advanced Improv Program at UCB and was most recently featured alongside standup Rachel Feinstein on TruTV.

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